Principal's Message

 Steven  Keys`s profile picture


Mr. Steven Keys


Director of Alternative School

Phone - (601)833-7472

Email - [email protected]


Principal's Message



Our vision is to empower each student to reach their fullest potential by providing educational programs and services that challenge them.


Mission: We will provide a clean, safe environment where scholars can obtain the skills, knowledge, and language they need to successfully negotiate school, career, and life.


I have worked at the junior high and high school levels since 2014. I have served as a coach, teacher, and now an administrator.  I have certifications in middle school history, high school history, and educational leadership.  I have studied at Alcorn State University; Columbia Southern University and I received my master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Mississippi College. I served in the United States Army/ Reserves for a total of 9 years. I was born and raised in Brookhaven and am a product of the Brookhaven School District.



“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small

men who find it easier to live in the world they've been

given than to explore the power they have to change it.

Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion.

Impossible is not a declaration.

It's a dare.

Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.

Impossible is nothing.”
― Muhammad Ali